Monday, May 9, 2016

More than a pet

     They have the ability to make you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom and then turn around and put you on the highest high you’ve ever felt, and it’s usually all within five minutes of each other.
My cat is the most preppy, annoying and loudest cat I have ever encountered. He won’t drink his water if it’s been sitting out all day so he would rather stick his head in when I shower and lick when it drips off the faucet to later freak out that his head is all wet.  He climbs up on the counter when I brush my teeth so he can drink the running water and you would think after spitting my toothpaste on him multiple times (not on purpose) he would learn that’s not the best decision. When I take him outside he prefers to just sit on the porch because he hates the way the grass feels under his paws, and don’t get me started on the way he shakes and flickers when he gets dirt on him. Ugh, and his me[OW]! In the morning, at night, when I’m leaving, when I get home, when I’m showering, when I’m in a different room than him, when I stop petting him, when I don’t take him outside with me, and my personal favorite, when im sleeping..HE IS MEOWING. It’s not your cute little kitten meow either, it’s a high pitched screech that gets old..reaaaally fast. He drives me absolutely insane!

     Aside from all of these though, he is the cutest, friendliest, cuddliest, handsome, adorable, loving cat I’ve ever known! I mean, just LOOK AT HIM!   I can’t be upset when he wakes me up gently caressing my face with his soft paws like he’s saying, “mommy wake up it’s time for work!” its so innocent!
I think he consumes more space on my phone than I do, and anybody who knows me know that I save just about every picture and snapchat I take, the ultimate picture hoarder, and he wins hands down. He’s always there to greet me at the door when I come home and I tell you what, when I’m having a rough day seeing his white little sockies come running to me the moment I open the door is so heartwarming and he never misses a day! My bed contains more cat hair then mine...good thing I’m not allergic (sorry Austin).. His favorite place to sleep is snuggled up right in the crease of my neck, and even though it’s usually 20 minutes before my alarm goes off. The amount of comfort and love he makes me feel just by simply jumping up on my lap and instantly purring is overwhelmingly the best form of butterflies I have ever got.

      They’re a lot of work, they stink, they’re loud, they’re destructive and they skip to your last button without pushing the others, but they fill you with so much love and loyalty that makes it all worth it.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawaken
                                                                                                                                -Anatole France

until next time.

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