Tuesday, April 19, 2016

To my work best friend

     We bonded over awkward break room lunches, customer stories and our love for sarcasm. My over excitement and inability to be quiet and do nothing really evens out your RBF syndrome (it’s something you’re born with, I know you’re not reaaaally that bad) and thrill of sitting at home binge watching Netflix. 

      I was scared of you at first, you were really quiet and seemed to be the first out the door when the day was over, but it turns out we had a lot more in common than we thought. We have the same taste in music, share celebrity crushes, hate to love the Kardashians, we’re obsessed with Chinese food, wear the same shoe size and can conveniently fit into each other’s clothing. I’ve worked with you for 2 years now and almost daily we spend our lunches jamming out to trap music and the occasional Justin Bieber, eating Panera salads and fueling our shopping addiction. We’ve got to the point of knowing exactly what one is think just by our facial expressions and having code words and names for everything.  I spend more time with you than any other person in my life and we still choose to see each other outside of work..how you’re not sick of me yet is a mystery I hope I never solve. I can confide in you with anything and you always know the right thing to say and sometimes it’s nothing at all. You make me read the fine print when I’m online shopping and make sure to make fun of me when I order something from China that probably won’t come until 2020. You send me all the cat photos because you know how much I love cats and our text messages are completely consumed by inappropriate memes and links to celebrity gossip articles. Constantly pulling my head up on the days I want it to drag and making sure I get a little extra expresso in my coffee on long, early mornings. You help me grow everyday as a person, make work a place I look forward to going to everyday (so stop taking vacation days without me), calm me when I’m frustrated and always listen when I have more than an earful to say. We share laughs, frustrations, secrets, lunches, clothes and most importantly memories.

Thank you for making work not seem like work at all.

until next time.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Putting yourself first without being selfish: 5 tips everyone should know

You can never seem to please everybody that you want to, so stop trying! You don’t want people to hate you because it’s uncomfortable, but ask yourself if you want someone to like you for being someone other than who you are…? NO!

  • Don’t spread yourself too thin.

I’m so guilty of this, never wanting to say no. You feel like you’re letting people down and missing out. Don’t worry, that bar night you miss won’t matter because everyone’s going to wake up and not remember you were gone.  If you don’t want to go on that summer trip, don’t go! They’re inviting you because they want you to have fun, not so you can be miserable the whole time. You can be friends with people and not have 100% same interest.

  • If something said bothers you, tell them.

If your friends are making a joke of a mistake you made in your past that bothers you, or an insecurity about yourself..TELL THEM! If you just laugh it off every time or bring the joke up yourself, they aren’t going to have any idea that it even bothers you; they can’t read your mind. Speak up!

  •  Don’t let someone you don’t like stop you from having fun.

I think every group of friends has at least 2 people who don’t get along with each other. Just because you don’t like somebody doesn’t mean all your friends have to dislike them too believe it or not. Don’t get so offended when someone invites them to a gathering because they’re friends, that person probably feels the same way because you’re there. You don’t have to go out of your way to speak to them just like you don’t have to go out of your way to let them know you’re unhappy they’re there. Don’t let one person you’re arguing with ruin opportunities to hang out with your friends!

  •  Don’t always take yourself so serious.

I’m 20 years old, I never fail to cry when Mufasa dies, I stick my tongue out more than I smile in pictures, I find myself jamming out to the occasional Hannah Montana soundtrack using my brush as a microphone and I will gladly make a fool of myself to put a smile on other people’s faces. I make ridiculous jokes just because I think they’re punny and laugh at them so you don’t have to. If you can’t have fun and laugh at yourself you need a reality check. Stop taking everything so serious! Laughing is good for the soul!

  •  Don't forget to hang out with your parents
No, my mom is not my best friend but she has better intentions for me than some people I’ve       known for years and she’s actually kind of funny. The older you get the more important you realize your parents are to you. You will appreciate every moment you spend with them when they're gone. It’s going to be okay missing out on something to spend time with your parents instead.

Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter

until next time.